When running
ng new
the Angular CLI uses
as the default package manager. In this tutorial you will learn how you can set a different package manager so that your project gets created with the correct lock file.
This tutorial should work for Angular version 6 and higher
Configure the package manager
To enable
for Angular CLI you have to run the following command:
ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn
Additionally, Angular CLI has support for cnpm, a package manager that works behind the Chinese firewall. As expected, you can activate it with this command:
ng config -g cli.packageManager cnpm
If at any point you want to revert back to
run this:
ng config -g cli.packageManager npm
Global Angular CLI config file
Because we passed in the
flag in our
ng config
command, the changes are stored in the global Angular CLI configuration. If for whatever reason you like to change the package manager for the current project only, you can simply leave out the
The global configuration file is stored in
and in the snippet below you can see how the settings are stored.
$ cat ~/.angular-config.json
"version": 1,
"cli": {
"packageManager": "yarn"
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